Who should Join us ?
In the last couple of decades education systems around rural development has taken up formal shapes. The Rural Development universities are playing a critical role in the supply chains of the trained HR for the sector. There has been a significant demand being generated because of the policy implication for the Corporates with the mandated CSR.
There are liasoning agencies have come up with an essential service to ‘connect’ the donors and the grantees. This ‘diversification’ in opening also has led to some ‘dilution’ in the ‘with and for approach’ of rural development. This also has generated the provision for ‘white collar’ rural development work.
The University passed outs are recruited and placed in the villages under the guidance of a senior Professional. It’s by and large reinventing a village for a ‘Trainee’ staying a month in a village, even he or she is a native from village! This is an opportunity to interact, observe and reflect in a village stay to ‘unlearn’ and start afresh.
This clearly gives an option to choose direct development action as a career. Under sensitive mentoring one grows with the values and respects to the under-privileged community and starts feeling to acquiring and using skills and knowledges to meaningfully contribute to the life of those-who need it but can not raise the voice for.
This is a non-traditional journey to ‘create’ the stories of transforming lives-acting as a reagent to expedite positive reactions, instead of living a life achieving stipulated given target by the ‘Boss’ and being paid off.
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If want to explore your limits and horizon, if you have find aligned us with your passion and aspiration.
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