Why to partner with us?
We are the rarest kind of Organization who have demonstrated the solutions for water and livelihoods security for variety of agro-climatic (5 across states) conditions -Himalayan zone, Bhavar and Terai zone at the foot hills, Chhotanagpur plateau, coastal delta and for the high rainfall zones in the garo hills of Meghalaya.
We are the first Organization with whom Government of West Bengal signed formal Mou for different programmes in different agro-climatic zones: the rejuvenation of the Himalyan springs (Jharnadhara), watershed management in the plateau (Usharmukti), Well rejuvenation and drinking water security for the villages in the foot hills (Sanjeevani) and management of coastal landscape (Dwipanjali).
Each of our team keeps innovating the best fitting solutions for the complex problems in the operational areas in the villages. Action research and experimentations are in built in all our activities we promote.
We are equipped to operate in scales and demonstrated our reach closely to the 100 thousand population.
We build our own human resources, who are the professionals passed out from the esteemed universities and are groomed through regular ‘coaching’ in the field situation. The rooted teams are efficient to deal and converge multiple projects to ensure the well-being of the target households.