2018 - 2019 Report
Annual report 2018-19: PRASARI has stepped into its twelfth years with a number of remarkable achievements and progress. With much confidence, it has been able for PRASARI to deal with a number of Partners and work in close collaboration with them. Gaining varied experience, knowledge and improved approaches, PRASARI has become successful in their strategy of working with social work professionals, which has helped the organisation to make an upward graph.

2020 - 2021 Report
This has been a very difficult year on earth, together we fought the largest ever battle in the globe, with Covid-19. 70% of PRASARIans are Covid warriors and could manage to come back to work with and for the underprivileged households in our operational villages. Despite all these negativities we could maintain our overwhelming growth of connecting over 67000 villagers directly, in West Bengal, through our recurring engagement for support and coaching. We kept supporting other North Eastern States (Meghalaya and Manipur) as knowledge partners to build the capacity of Government and associate functionaries to implement and integrate activities for natural resource husbanduries.

2021 - 2022 Report
This has been a journey through one and a half decades with and for the community across the operational villages. We have experienced struggles and successes and kept improving our strategies to bring in more and more effectiveness in our work. We have learnt from the failures, reflected back, and debated within the teams to refine and sharpen ourselves for much better deliveries. ‘Covid-19’ has devastated the world in many folds and the PRASARIans too, could not escape the impacts of it-but within ourselves we spent a huge amount of virtual engagement to streamline the Organization and the longer-term strategies. We have sorted out the growth strategies for us and identified the need of establishing a dedicated HR cell and M&E cell to build people and standardize the actions. The need for horizontal spread has emerged as an essential component for our ‘positioning’ along with deepening the intervention