Embracing the sojourn of insight : 40 days in Gurujandihi

Immersive experiences often hold the power to reshape our perspectives and broaden our understanding of the world around us. In a world driven by technology and urbanization, where the hustle and bustle of city life often engulfs us, it becomes imperative to take a step back and reconnect with our roots, Nature.

During first 40 days of my DLship, PRASARI had given me the privilege of living in Gurujandihi, an Adivasi village, nestled amidst nature’s bounty, where tradition and culture blend seamlessly with the rhythm of daily life. This story is a heartfelt account of my extraordinary journey, delving into the vibrant lifestyle, rich traditions & the profound impact it had on my perspective.

A world that is vastly different from our own is not easy to adopt & I was not an exception! But it took me just one day to commingle with those ever-smiling villagers. I was greeted with open arms and beaming smiles. The warmth and hospitality of the villagers instantly made me feel like one of their own. Jabamuni Di & family were those people who became my parents for the next 40 days. I still remember that she would not take meal without giving me meal. The most remembering phrase during my whole village stay was ‘ভাই স্নান করে আই, খেতে দেবো’ (brother, take a bath and come fast for lunch) that’s how much care and affection I was getting. Each day began with the chirping of country chick in the early morning & playing football with those energetic “kochi-kacha” (kids) of the villagers. Akash & Babul are my closest brother & my football partner who made me early bird from night owl in just one week, most importantly I’m still continuing that good habit. Every day was an adventure as I embarked on a journey to unravel the intricacies of village life. The village was a tapestry of vibrant colors with colourful mud houses, echoing the spirit of its people. Living among the Adivasi people, sharing their meals, participating in their festivals and daily routines allowed me to comprehend their communal way of life. The villagers shared a strong bond of kinship, extending help and support to each other, reflecting the essence of a collective society. The community gatherings, sharing stories & laughter, were warm reminders of their rich cultural heritage and social cohesion – that’s we all mises in our so called hi-tech civilised society. I observe that they have a deep-rooted connection with the land, and their livelihoods are intricately linked to nature’s cycles. I joined them in their agricultural endeavors, learning their techniques and witnessing their approach towards the environment. The knowledge passed down from one generation to another was a testament to their wisdom. Each day was a learning day for me without any hectic schedule. If I continue to share all of my memories it will be very long story.

However, this bucolic idyll is not devoid of challenges. The village, like many others, grapples with the encroachment of modernity and the need to balance tradition with progress. Access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities remains a struggle, casting a long shadow over the otherwise resplendent landscape. Yet, in the face of these challenges, the community’s resilience and unwavering spirit stood as a testament to the human capacity for perseverance and unity in the face of adversity. But if you are a marvel fan than you know the phrase ‘Asgard is not the place, it’s the people’ & it’s applicable in every place. It is the people who infuse the village with a palpable sense of warmth and vitality. Each face etched with stories of joy, sorrow, and unwavering resolve became a mirror reflecting the unbreakable bonds of community. From elders spinning tales of bygone eras to children with laughter bubbling like a mountain brook, I found myself woven into the intricate…

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